Re: Revolting AI

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 03:48:33 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Hales" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 09:11
Subject: RE: Revolting AI

> I have pondered this a lot. The model that seems likely _to me, so far_ is
> not master/slave and is probably best illustrated by thinking of how we
> with the intellectually 'challenged' now. As best we can we:
> Know they need to be listened to. They have a point of view. We can see
> point of view (their 'big picture')in the context of their lives. We also
> know what they do not know. We do what we can to encourage them to be the
> best that they can be. We guide without dragging, set limits without
> gaoling/jailing. We do what we can to avert the negative side of the
> that are made. We encourage goalsetting and clap for a good performance.
> dust off when the inevitable crashes occur.

Oooooh......but what if we consider 95% of humanity to be intellectually
challenged? ...Do you treat most people in your everyday life with these
...But if they're not as intelligent as you, why not?

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