RE: TECH: SUPER/ULTRA CAPACITORS, was Re: PHYS: Fractal NanoporeStorage (Out of olive pits!)

From: Colin Hales (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 22:33:25 MST

Eugene Leitl wrote..........
> I don't see how you can beat the storage density of chemical
> fuel (the air
> electrode is for free) with capacitor type of devices.

I think you're probably right, but I think the overall equation is more
complex than that - it's the whole user life-cycle and supply chain
logistics/economics that defines the outcome. They are probably side-by-side
technologies. (Example: Look at how much the 'Wired',1294,49717,00.html article ends up talking
about methane refills). Therew's also a whole bunch of oil based companies
that won't like it.

cheers, col

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