Re: Inner/outer beauty, was Re: Natasha's expanded Primo 3M+ website (

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 18:31:34 MST

At 03:54 PM 3/5/02 -0600, Simon wrote:

>I posted a message recently about what I thought (external) beauty would be
>like in a transhuman or posthuman view, but no-one responded. Oh well. In
>short, I predicted that the most (externally) beautiful people will be naked
>humans - obvious, I know - where nakedness implies no visible or perceived
>external enhancements to the body. This includes cybernetic devices,
>enhancement technology. I would even go further and say that even jewelry,
>piercings, makeup, etc. will become out of vogue. A natural human would be
>most beautiful to a posthuman.

I appreciate your thoughts on this, but I differ very much in my estimation
of what a later transhuman and posthuman (or post biological) being and its
relationship to beauty. When I think of a naked human, I think of an
animal and it's not terribly appealing to me up the road. While the concept
of nakedness has many implications, I understand what you are getting
at. I don't think we can predict what will be en vogue, yet we certainly
can muse over possible themes.

You might find some answers in my essay on smart skin ("sS") for views on external communications.
(Smart Skin ("sS") — TIMELINE: Biological, Technological, Communications &
Design Evolution — Artificial Intelligent Skin (AiS) — Multi-functional
Design Options — The Spin on Skin — Squaring the Curve of Design).

Thanks for expressing your ideas.

Natasha Vita-More

Founder, Transhumanist Arts
Art Director, Digital Design

"I'd rather be inebriated on a classic life than a 1996 classic Merlot."

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