Re: Natasha's expanded Primo 3M+ website (

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 11:44:04 MST

I'm not sure who wrote this:

>Yes, the media/advertising world has done quite a job pushing physical
>beauty as a means to sell product. And I do know real inner beauty is
>something which does time take to learn about and truly appreciate.

These products are similar to the products early Egyptian men and women
used to enhance facial features and the body. In civilizations around the
world, people have tried to enhance and/or beautify themselves for
political, social and sexual reasons. Historically, humans have been
augmenting the skin with the use of dyes, tattoos, and piercing for mating,
fertility, hunting, fighting, and religious rituals. Just as the
sociopolitical and socioeconomic tends have changed over the centuries, so
have sociologic, socioculture and sociodrama trends. Advertising is not a
newly founded business to trick modern society. Historically, civilization
has been very innovative and clever about advertising ideas and selling

Inner beauty can be seen on the outside if one takes the time to look and
to listen. Our facial expressions cannot truly hide the mechanics of our
minds. The vehicle we transport ourselves in (our bodies) reflects our
level of self-esteem and attention to detail.
The brain is affected by negative input and output. Each thought we have
affects our minds, affecting our lives. How many times do we meet a person
who has peace of mind? Not as often as we might think.

Hal Finney mentioned in a separate thread that mental illness could be one
circumstance that would result in the inability of humanity to reach
extreme life extension. I think mental illness (including emotional
illness) is one of humanity most common illness today, more common than the

Addressing INNER BEAUTY: One element of Primo that addresses this is the
metabrain's "error correction device" which would help an person or entity
develop his/her/its (for lack of modern pronoun) response and reflex
behavior in an appropriate manner because of the "replay and feedback
system" incorporated in the "error correction device." The "error-correct
memory" would replay situations (both visual and audio) allowing for
simulated responses. Probably the best application for AI today would be
to assist the human brain in dealing with emotional problems and rewiring
repeated unhealthy behavior.

Stepping back from Primo's future and into our own hands, inner beauty is
really about how we respond to the world around us. What we choose to
focus on and our moment-to-moment assessment of our environment.

1. Do a Self-Examination - Take a good look at what makes you feel good
(intellectual and emotional satisfaction) and what causes disdain. Then you
can take one concern and examine it in detail and make changes. Keep a
journal write down your goals, developing a plan to achieve them and know
the reasons why you have set them for yourself.

2. Take Control of Your Thoughts - Consider the consequences of positive
approach to issues and a negative approach to issues.. If you continue to
listen to negative self-talk then you are a volunteer for failure. Each
time a negative, self-destructing thought enters your mind, acknowledge it,
discern where it is coming from and then let go of it by saying "stop".
Then follow-up with a self-empowering positive thought. Attitude is
everything. Make a decision to have a positive and productive attitude

3. Develop a Plan - Write down your plans and take the necessary steps to
achieve your goals. Your goals may be small or large. You may want to begin
with small goals. It's the small things you accomplish in the beginning
that build confidence and pave the way for greater prosperity. You must
follow-through on your plan. Take a "do it now" attitude. A plan with no
action is worthless.

4. Cultivate A Support System - Surround yourself with positive people.
Discontinue relationships with people who criticize and are negative. You
must make a conscious decision to disassociate with negative, narrow-minded
people who rob you of your confidence. When a negative person attempts to
get in your way, do damage control by discovering yet another smart and
worthwhile aspect of yourself. Your support system of friends and
colleagues will watch for your cue.

5. Take Time for Yourself - Solitude is empowering. Solitude is an
invisible place in your heart where you can listen to your imagination,
your uniqueness and your essence. Bring balance into your life by starting
each day with a routine that puts you in touch with yourself.

Natasha Vita-More
Founder, Transhumanist Arts
Art Director, Digital Design
"I'd rather be inebriated on a classic life than a 1996 classic Merlot."

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