Re: David Pizer and his Venturist Society

From: G.P. (
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 23:54:28 MST

I think this may be very smart. Members of religiuos organizations are
granted special rights, like refusing to give basic medical care to
their children, that others would not have. If we can use this system
to facilitate cryonics arrangements, it is good.
Normally I would not trust a philosophic system of that chooses to
call itself "religious" belief, but perhaps in this case it is a smart
and pragmatic move.
I also liked the idea od the cryonic retirement community and look
forward to seeing how their plans develop.

On Mon, 04 Mar 2002 16:53:18 -0900, "John Grigg"
<> wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>David Pizer, president of The Society for Venturism, tells how his organization is a "religious" one.
>And how that can help individuals with the goal of a quickly done suspension unimpeded by red tape.

real name (backwards) oiluiG ocsirP

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