RHETORIC: PC/PI, was Re: leaping to wrong conclusions (was Re:The economics of Star Trek)

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp-lib.org)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 20:36:05 MST

> The trouble is, as we've all discussed previously, there are different ways
> of reading that phrase. Most here seem to find it quite transparently
> acceptable: a scornful way to characterize mealy-mouthed euphemism, masked
> special interests, Nanny Statism, etc. I, like many non-Americans, read it
> as a code for annoyance at any disruption of the privileges of the status
> quo.

I invite you to check your code. I usually revel in being PI, rather than
complaining about others being PC. I'm not sure I've discussed this previously
here. If I'm repeating myself, regrets:

A few people (with a slightly longer memory than you seem to have handy)
remember the first users of the phrase, and know that in Mao's China, being
labeled "Politically Incorrect" meant (at best) a sentence to heavy
re-education if not a work-to-death assignment somewhere.
[And so on; boring lecture mode truncated.]

I think the PC label is misapplied in the case of the TV shows mentioned.
Corny != PC.


                     butler a t comp - lib . o r g
I am not here to have an argument. I am here as part of a civilization.
                           Sometimes I forget.

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