Re:The economics of Star Trek

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 07:38:54 MST

>From: Damien Broderick <>

>>Brian D Williams wrote:

>>They had to have a woman captain, a black vulcan, a Native
>>American first officer, I mean come on!

>What? Do you mean that demographically the crew really should all
>have been Chinese or Indian or Pakistani or some such blend? Or
>(as I somehow suspect) ((incorrectly)) that they all should have
>been white American males, because that's the way the real future
>must be?

Have fun leaping to wrong conclusions and erroneous judgements
about people do you?

No I simply mean it was over done, it clearly wasn't a random
distribution, but the hand-picked signature of the reverse
discrimination protocol known as "affirmative action".

Thus defined as "politically correct".


Extropy Institute,
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