Re: transparent aluminum

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 07:52:42 MST

justin corwin wrote:
> Hmm, also, springboarding off that, into weapons R&D, anybody know what
> happened to all those directed energy weapons I was promised? I'm positive
> I remember reading about particle accelerator cannons, MASERs, LASERs,
> and microwave weapons as a child. Now that I am a grown googler,I cannot
> seem to find anything on the subject that doesn't bring up old Military
> "investigative studies", vague governmental frontpages to think tanks,
> or video game sites.

Information Unlimited still publishes good designs for lasers and masers
of the home grown variety, and sells hard to get parts like HV
capacitors and diodes, etc.

> All the "" kind of sites are actually kind of dissapointing.
> Just little jet-powered carts and so-on, I remember building an ion "cannon"
> as a young teen, and disturbing electronics from a distance, and other
> malicious electronic weapons.
> Anyone know what kind of legislation governs the private production of
> directed energy weapons, hipower lasers, or directed emp weapons?
> On a related note, does the legislation on automatic and explosive firearms
> cover privately developed, prototype, or handbuilt non-commercial weapons?

There are, I think, FCC regulations on classification of lasers and
masers based on power output, but nothing I know of which restricts who
can build them.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 applies to any class II or III weapon
(sawed off shotguns, machine guns, etc) which applies, respectively, $5
and $200 taxes on the sale of such weapons. Technically it doesn't apply
to a person constructing their own personal weapon that fits in those
categories, but if you sell it to someone, you are breaking the law,
since the so-called Firearms Ownership Protection Act of 1986 banned the
sale of post-1986 manufactured Class II and III weapons to anyone
without a Federal Firearms License (Class III), and bans the sale BY
anyone without a class III manufacturers license of such devices.
"selling" under the NFA and FOPA is more than just exchanging for money.
If you die and leave it to a wife or other relative or friend, that is
considered a 'transfer' under the law, and comes under ATF jurisdiction.
If the person receiving the item doesn't have the proper FFL, and file
the paperwork, they are SOL and might as well just junk it or keep it
hidden away. Transfers between FFL holders require paperwork to the ATF,
but don't incur the tax.

So if you make your own, put it in a locked box and don't show it to
anyone, or tell anyone about it (especially psychotic female roomates,
girlfriends or wives, since I know of two fellows who owned such weapons
and were ratted on by such after breakups).

The NFA of 34 and the FOPA of 86 do not cover lasers, masers, or emp
devices, though these may be classified as Destructive Devices if
powerful enough.

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