Re: SOFTWARE: Do you play computer games?

From: the animated silicon love doll (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 04:57:36 MST

2002.02.26 03:27:17, "sineo" <> wrote:

>Extropians who would like to see in action some greatest 'AI' should play
>'Creatures 1/2/3' and 'Black+ACY-White'. This will demonstrate where we
>today with consumer AI engines. IMHO it's not so bad.

Black & White's AI is absolutely incredible, but unless you REALLY like
micromanaging, don't waste the forty bucks on it, because it loses it's
charm after the first world, when you have to control every little single
detail of these people's lives while trying to keep an unruly giant toddler
(possibly with a tendancy to eat your citizens) under control AND take over
a rival gods territory (which adds even MORE people to micromanage). Of
course, enough people seem to enjoy doing this that it got extremely good
ratings from most (all?) of the gaming magazines, so what do I know?

cheshire morgan. Advance and never halt, for advancing is perfection.
                        Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path,
                        for they draw only corrupt blood.
                                -Kahlil Gibran

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