Re: Battleground God

From: Cory Przybyla (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 12:17:30 MST

--- Eugene Leitl <>

> I doubt it. The test has a few arbitrary points.

It does, however, have a specific subjective logic
scheme that can be decuded off few tries. I was able
to go through with max ever 1 hit, 0 bite the bullet
but I found that only because of personal uncertainty.

for those who haven't taken it yet, don't read
further, answer key ahead...

I'd love to know if anyone can get through this
without answering false to everything but the 2
obvious contradictions (god - don't know, evolution
plausible - yes). As in was it possible for people to
hold convictions and still be logically consistent (or
according to the site designer anyway)?

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