Re: Extropian currency (was Hole in a box)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 13:07:42 MST>
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Anders Sandberg wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2002 at 11:49:22AM -0600, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> > >
> > > Honest to god, Anders! If Extropia minted its own money,
> > > we would put you on the 20 dollar bill.
> > > spike
> >
> > You mean the 20-kilojoule note, right? Surely Extropia wouldn't
> > use a floating fiat currency...
> Just as in the other thread, energy might be "manufactured" just like
> gold, so it might not be the optimal foundation.
> Given the start of this thread, I think I would base a currency on
> irreversible computations. "This bill can be exchanged for 10^10 bit
> erasures at First Computronium Bank of Jupiter". Making the basis of
> irreversible operations linked to the allocation system seems fitting
> somehow.

On the other hand, if you treat mass and energy as interchangable, then
the monetary unit to use would be the "C" note, which would be equal to
(e/m)^(1/2) expressed as a finite number of quarks, photons, protons, or
other 100% fungible subatomic particles.

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