RE: Reading and teaching (was Re: An error in browser design)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Feb 13 2002 - 15:38:28 MST

Jacques Du Pasquier:
> That's how teaching now "works" : you test children again and again,
> until they figure out a way to pass the test ; you actually never
> teach them THAT, and some never learn. The only thing that should be
> taught is left to complete improvisation, and that accounts for huge
> differences between individuals, because some find great tricks and
> meta-tricks with which the readily build feats of cognition, and some
> are stuck with unefficient tricks.
> A teacher should model his pupil's mind and actually help it to build
> itself further. He should suggest useful tricks for the pupil to try,
> adopt and combine.

Why does this remind me of extreme programming?


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