Re: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...

From: Kristy Cox (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 23:43:17 MST

I believe that someone used to have my new email address of and was on your mailing list. I am not a member of this
list, please remove from your list.

Thank you, Kristy

>From: Sean Kenny <>
>Subject: Re: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...
>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:00:19 +0000
>On Saturday 02 February 2002 12:00 am, you wrote:
>Oh right , now I see. Global warming theory is a conspiracy against
>Libertarians. I think the jury's still out, and despite your protestations
>most climatologists do believe the earths avaerage temperature is rising
>weather change is accelerating, yours is a minority view; but it must be
>lovely to be so certain about almost everything.
> > Sean Kenny wrote:
> > > This isn't necessarily evidence that global warming isn't happening.
> > > Climatic scientists are pretty much agreed that we are undergoing
> > > climate change all over the planet. The arguement seems to me to be
> > > about whether this is down to human activity or whether this is the
> > > natural pattern of activity of the worlds climatic systems. In other
> > > words - the world is getting warmer, but this is normal and we better
> > > used to it.
> >
> > Uh, most emphatically NO, most scientists are not agreed, at least in
> > the way you mean. In fact, the majority do not agree that there is a
> > significant anthropogenic warming trend. ALL scientists do agree that
> > "we are undergoing climate change", but that is a semantically neutral
> > statement which only recognises that the world climate is not a stasis,
> > it is a dynamic system with a myriad of inputs and outputs that change
> > over time. Saying that "we are undergoing climate change" is true even
> > if that climate change is that we are going into an ice age. Even if
> > part of the world is getting cooler and part getting warmer, to sum out
> > to zero, this still means that "we are undergoing climate change".
> >
> > The reason why there is so much doubt about warming, and anthropogenic
> > warming in particular, is that the period of data collection is so very
> > short for those claiming that there is catastrophic change happening,
> > generally only a 30-100 year period. Longer range studies, based on
> > things like tree rings and ice cores, show that climatic change does
> > not, in fact, happen, to the degree claimed by proponents of big
> > government taxes on energy and everything else, nor do ice ages start in
> > as little as a decade (or stop).
> >
> > For example, the oceans rose approximately 400 feet over 1000 years
> > during the end of the last ice age, around 9000 BC, but it wasn't until
> > 5600 BC that sea levels got high enough to breach the Bosporus and
> > Dardanelles to flood the Black Sea basin, whose freshwater surface was
> > some 135 feet below sea level.
> >
> > The antarctic ice cap, for instance, has been completely stable, and
> > growing slowly over the long term, for the past 15 million years or so,
> > ever since Antarctica broke away from South America and the circum polar
> > ocean current became permanently established. This is a known fact that
> > the cataclysmists have had to recently concede in the scientific world,
> > but the media has refused to acknowledge this major setback for the
> > big-government/tax-everything-to-pay-for-climate-control agenda. The
> > human race will never be flooded with 90 meters of seawater worldwide
> > from an antarctic collapse. At worst, we may see a 3-9 meter change in
> > sea level IF the Greenland Ice Cap collapses, however doing things like
> > flooding the Caspian basin will mitigate this to a large degree, as will
> > the growth of the Antarctic Ice Cap created by increases in evaportion
> > at the equator.
> >
> > The melting of the arctic ice sheet will not change ocean levels even
> > while the climate changes, since the ice is already floating. What will
> > happen is the increase in open ocean in the arctic will increase
> > evaporation and thus increase precipitation in Greenland, thus helping
> > to mitigate any increase in melting that occurs in the margins.
> >
> > > On Friday 01 February 2002 11:53 am, you wrote:
> > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "Spike Jones" <>
> > > > To: <>
> > > > Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 4:50 AM
> > > > Subject: Re: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...
> > > >
> > > > > > From: "Mike Lorrey" <>
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Subject: CLIMATE: Cooling, not warming...
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > It seems that the West Antarctice Ice Sheet is getting
> > > > > > > not thinner, and temperatures are dropping now, not rising....
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >ml
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > So much for the cataclysmists....
> > > > > >
> > > > > > steve wrote: Maybe we'll now see a return to the predictions
> > > > > > were
> > > >
> > > > rife
> > > >
> > > > > > in the early
> > > > > > 70's, of a new Ice Age! Steve Davies
> > > > >
> > > > > What I want to see is if the media hype engine will rev up as high
> > > > > for global cooling as it did for global warming. Will it be
> > > > > symmetrical?
> > > >
> > > > Will
> > > >
> > > > > there be political movements urging us to hurl more greenhouse
> > > > > into the atmosphere to save our planet from the advancing ice?
> > > > > there be international treaties to pressure nations into cutting
> > > > > some of their CO2 hogging lifeforms?
> > > > >
> > > > > Imagine the horrors: Oceans could recede, vast stretches of frozen
> > > > > tundra could be covered in ice, beach resort towns could be left
> > > > > hundreds of meters inland, causing the tourist industry to suffer.
> > > > > Cataclysmic
> > > >
> > > > change
> > > >
> > > > > in climate could burst forth over a mere few centuries! How will
> > > > > ever cope? spike
> > > >
> > > > Excellent! I can see a wonderful spoof TV documentary right now.
> > > > Seriously, even when there was a mini-panic about global cooling in
> > > > early 1970s (remember "The Weather Machine and the Threat of Ice" ?)
> > > > never got the coverage of global warming. I think it's obvious why -
> > > > global warming can be used to argue for lots of government controls
> > > > getting rid of technology but you can't do that with cooling, quite
> > > > opposite in fact. In fact as people like Matt Ridley have pointed
> > > > global cooling is a much more credible threat than global warming,
> > > > given that the default setting for the planet's climate right now is
> > > > ice age. Also, all the evidence suggests that the end of an
> > > > interglacial and the onset of an ice age happens *very* quickly -
> > > > than ten years is the figure usually given. Steve Davies

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