Re: Bye-Bye to the >H Right Wing

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 13:06:21 MST

Olga Bourlin wrote:
> From: "Emlyn O'regan" <>
> > James Rogers replied:
> > > I can't speak for your country, but in the U.S. your assumptions would
> > > simply be wrong. Nearly all the wealthy people in this
> > > country are entirely
> > > self-made, and the majority of those achieved wealth as
> > > blue-collar workers
> > > who were not born into the vaguest semblance of privilege.
> (What was it Rod Serling used to say at the beginning of those old Twilight
> Zone episodes: "Submitted for your ...") Anyway, here is a quote from Gore
> Vidal (it's not science, it's certainly not 100% correct, but there seems to
> be a ring of truth ...):
> "The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes."

Its axiomatic: people who are nuts are far more interesting than those
who are merely eccentric... wealth conveys mere eccentricity to any
insanity (and the wealthy can afford better psych meds)...

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