Re: Bye-Bye to the >H Right Wing

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 12:11:15 MST

James Rogers wrote:
> On 2/3/02 6:33 PM, "Sehkenenra" <> wrote:
> > Those of us with
> > little to no real income are unaffected by the government's "blanket of
> > socialist confiscation"- and those who complain the most vocally about it
> > typically have more income than they truly need. Frankly, I don't mind it
> > one bit.
> Of course, most truly useful things in life can't be done unless you "have
> more income than you truly need". It is why scientific, medical, and
> technological progress tend to be driven by capitalism. But hey, who needs
> technological progress?
> The consequence of hardcore socialism could be described as synchronized
> mortality by consensus. Thanks but no thanks.

On the flip side, using reverse psychology, would not the best way to
cure people of socialist idiocy be to allow them to create the most
heinous sort of socialist tyranny possible...

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