Re: Bye-Bye to the >H Right Wing

From: Miriam English (
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 05:35:52 MST

At 04:07 PM 03/02/2002, Forrest Bishop wrote:

after Damien Broderick wrote a brief sketch of Australian ideals

>From: Damien Broderick <>
> > The background political assumptions of Australians appear to differ in
> > subtle and less subtle ways from those of Americans, and even more from
> > those of many Europeans. I found a quote today that helps position our
> > historic standpoint; it's from Alfred Deakin, an early Prime Minister of
> > the nation, who in 1906 (just five years after Federation) said this:
> >
> > `The best thing that Australians could do was to make the country so
> > productive, so good a place to live, and bring about such just and fair
> > conditions, with such fair opportunities for earning an honest living,
> > such protection against monopolies, that other people would also want to
> > become Australians.'
>Excellent. So a victim-disarming monopoly on the use of deadly force is
>prohibited, of course. Also, the monetary system shall not be imposed by
>monopoly fiat: forcing nearly everyone to become bonded debt-slaves to the
>Statists/bankstas. These items, along with income-tax slavery, monopoly
>public "education" (i.e. Statist indoctrination camps) and monopoly Social
>Security pyramid schemes are some of the most demeaning, unjust, evils
>(meaning "to cause harm") perpetuated by the protection racket
>occasionally referred to as the State. I've never been down under, but I'd
>move there in a heartbeat if the above organized-crime schemes were absent.

So goes the litany of evils that so many Americans seem to project upon the
kind of mild, almost disinterested, social responsibility that seems to
color Oz.

You know what is the strangest thing? The people who foam most strongly at
the mouth when screeching about the evils of society are those who have
benefitted most from it. Those who have been born into the richer classes,
who have gained their wealth and knowledge from countless generations
before them, demand that they alone be recognised as being the creators of
their good fortune and that they are damned if they will share it with
anybody else.

>Thanks for the offer, sport, but I already live on or about the socialist
>shithole of Plantation USA, picking my "fair share" of cotton for the
>greater grandeur of Massah'. I use Karl Marx's definition of socialism:
>the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto, abolition of private property
>(slaves don't own property), dissolution of the family, etc., which is a
>fairly accurate, funtionalistic description of the contemporary US System.

I'm sure you don't really know how lucky you are Mr Bishop. You have become
insulated from the real world. Surely you don't really think that USA is
anything approaching communist. This must surely be chest-beating, soapbox
hyperbole... your favorite rant... not anything to do with the real world.


         - Miriam

To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Virtual Reality Association

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