(no subject)

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 18:47:10 MST

Courtesy: Dr Clifford Pickover (clifford pickover group on Yahoo.com)


...How to stop machines enslaving humans
Kevin Warwick, professor of cybernetics at Reading University and author of
the book March of the Machines, introduced a brainstorming salon at the
Institute for Social Inventions in London in April 1998. He explained how
computers and robots are already as intelligent as ants and that within 20
years they will have a computational power far greater than the human brain
and will be evolving at a far faster rate than humans.

'Advanced machine beings likely to treat humans with as little consideration
as we treat lower forms of life'.
These advanced machine beings, with a consciousness of their own, are likely
to treat humans with as little consideration as we treat lower forms of life,
especially since the military are largely responsible for creating them.

'Within the lifetime of our children, Warwick believes, humans will become
slaves who are culled, farmed and genetically interfered with'
The race to develop artificial intelligence systems is very difficult to
halt. Within the lifetime of our children, Warwick believes, humans will
become powerless slaves who are ruthlessly culled, farmed and genetically
interfered with.

The brainstorming
The salon participants suspended any disbelief in this eventuality and
brainstormed possible ways of preventing it happening. The normal
brainstorming rules applied, with wild and crazy ideas all welcomed. Here is
a sample of the suggestions:

Make a peace treaty with the robots, giving them total control of a planet of
their own to live on, perhaps the moon, if that's not too close; or even just
all underground parts of the planet, since they may not require daylight.

Intensively train a James-Bond-style team capable of destroying robots at the
first sign of hostile intent.

Develop gradually enlarging Computer Free Zones which are utterly free of
dependence on computer systems.......

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