Re: One humanity, all in the same boat

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Jan 17 2002 - 02:28:14 MST

Spike Jones wrote:

> Samantha Atkins wrote
>>We have deeply mortgaged our own future and chained ourselves
>>more than a little.
> Mortgages are good. They allow us to have better homes.

Mortgaging your children's income and your retirement funds and
an ever increasing negative amortization to boot is in no sense

>> And the above does not take into account
>>the trillions of additional indebtedness at the state and local level.
> Government indebtedness keeps governments stable. If your
> government owes you money you will be less likely to overthrow it.

Hahaha. The government owes me money that it can only collect
my taxing me into the ground which it can only do if I continue
to work real hard and not revolt against working half of every
year just to pay it to rob me to pay me much less and pay a
bunch of folks to better manipulate and control me. What a
wonderful life!

>>Note the first of these links showing the stagnation of
>>median income and the overall economic weakness of the middle
> Our middle class is in great shape. They have cars, clothes,
> plenty to eat. They work, they produce stuff. If people get
> too rich, they wont work and stuff doesnt get produced. Stagnation
> of the middle class is a good thing.

Yeah, right.

>> Clearly something is not so rosy in this supposed best
>>of economies.
> Looks pretty rosy to me Samantha, and Im one of the
> middle class proles that gets up every morning and fights
> traffic to get to my job. Traffic is a good thing. It is
> people, surging to get to work and make good things
> happen! Its the pulse of a healthy economy.

I see your Prozac is working. :-)

>>All of that sounds fine in principle. But what will you do
>>about the huge debts we are under?
> Work hard, pay it off. Keep your butt to the grindstone. Builds
> character. Gets things done. Makes things happen. Good old
> fear of economic ruin keeps people off the streets.

How will you pay it off if your government insists on spending
more each year and using any surplus in its extorted money taken
in to throw a party giving the payers back some of their own
cash so they will believe it really is a jolly system after all?
  Paying of the debt is just not very popular politically.

>> They are eating away at our properity.
> Prosperity schmosperity. We have more wealth than we know
> what to do with. Something hasta eat it, or we would waste our
> lives on endless round of masturbation and daytime TV. Talent
> would be wasted.

And I thought I was cynical. I guess I need my dosage adjusted.

>> What will you do when/if the number of people
>>working and with the means to help those not working goes below
>>the amount that by any stretch of the imagination can cover
>>thsoe without jobs?
> Then we will solve that problem.

Yesh? How?

>> What will you do when the federal debt is
>>so high that even the interest on it swamps taxes collected and
>>all the boomers retire and expect the money that has been
>>siphoned off into the debt?
> Then we will solve that problem. The underlying wealth of
> this planet is elegantly sufficient to feed everyone, to feed
> thrice as many as we now have.

Such is the dogma. Please show how to apply it. The
"underlying wealth" is utterly dependent on the creativity and
productivity of human beings being unleashed. But we are
chaining ourselves to an ever larger debt.

>>It would be nice if there are clean, easy, straight-forward
>>answers. But I do not know of them if there are such.
>>- samantha
> Samantha, do not be a gloom-miester. Our world's problems
> are many, but for each one there is a gang of big hairy
> solutions waiting to pounce on it. spike

Uh huh. And at the least we can make light of them and not
really talk about them if we can't think of anything better to
do. Right?

- samantha


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