Re: hushmail: Can't say I didn't warn them...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 22:03:59 MST

Don't you have a lot better things to do? I think there system
is suffering some serious bugs AND they have a policy of
deleting non-premium accounts if they aren't used at least once
every so often (forget if it is 3 weeks or a month but in that
range). However, after many tries I wasn't able to set up a new
account except from a PC. So something is technically wrong.
They might be under attack for what you or I know. So treating
them as villians or even incompetents doesn't seem terribly

- samantha

Mike Lorrey wrote:

> A couple years ago, I signed up for a Hushmail account.
> purports to provide the 'easiest, most secure encrypted email on the
> internet'. Everything seemed fine with them until earlier in 2001, when
> they upgraded their system to version 2.0, whereupon I was unable to
> access my account, apparently due to some java errors in their system
> (i.e. I've tried to access them through numerous computers and
> dialup/broadband accounts of other people). After repeated and numerous
> queries, questions, demands, and threats, they have NEVER responded to
> any emails sent regarding this problem. The last email I sent them
> warned if I did not receive a response that I would do my utmost to
> utterly destroy their reputation across the internet (assuming there is
> anything left to destroy). It has since been two weeks since that
> warning, so I assume that I am now free to lay waste to the name of
> Hushmail. If anyone on the list has anything meaningful to contribute to
> contest this, please let me know. If anyone on the list knows anyone at
> hushmail and can open a line of meaningful communication, please do.
> Otherwise, carpetbombing (metaphorically) of the land of Hush will
> commence at 1500 hrs EST tomorrow.
> Mike Lorrey

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