Re: Rambling Rant was Re: Its Over

Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 09:25:10 MST observed:

<<More or less my own feelings on timing; be great if it happens, but it's
something you can gamble on. But asking people to believe it might not
happen in time is asking people to work and think about death. Very
unpopular, those topics.>>

Good point, perhaps its just too difficult to deal with. My superstitious
feeling is that perhaps it'd be a good thing for us, if we didn't put all our
intellectual eggs in one basket. Perhaps the destiny of humankind, its
descendents, its precursors, is to somehow. reboot the Universe. Just a bit
of irrationality there, but I felt I needed to state it.

<<More activism needed. More funding needed. More people buying into the
various useful memes needed>>

Yes, and for the scientific community to permit themselves the intellectual
freedom to have at it. Currently, they repress each others tendencies in this

<<The Singularity tomorrow thing is so much like a religion in far too many
ways. Quite likely suicide too, if enough people adhere to it. In a way it's
going to be real annoying to have them tell you "I told you so" after
(insert number here) years of hard work by the rest of us have brought the
Singularity about while the lazy ones lazed around just *believing*.

Reason >>

Perhaps because they believe that its just around the corner, contributes to
such fervor or enthusiasm? My dyspepsia is technological forecasts concerning
vast changes in the human condition, have tended to err on the
hyper-optimistic. We, as a species and individuals, do need an 'insurance
policy,' even if we are denying that we do.

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