Re: my own 9/11 conspiracy theory

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 00:12:25 MST

John Clark wrote:

> Dossy wrote:
>>>Is it not feasible that the US Government, in an attempt to
>>>bring their influence into the Middle East in order to side
>>>with Israel against Palestine, decided to approach a known
>>>terrorist organization and say "we will assist in your
>>>destroying the Twin Towers
> Damien Broderick <> Wrote:
> > It is not feasible. It is a quite stupid cartoon pseudo-idea. It makes me
> > feel sick to see it here on the extropian list.
> I agree, it is sickening! If I wanted to read National Inquire type conspiracy
> theories I'd buy a copy at the supermarket, and I'd get to read a horoscope and
> learn the diet tips of the movie stars too. We've had low quality stuff on the list
> before but at least the Bermuda Triangle people, or the UFO people, or the pill that
> will cure cancer (or turn water into gasoline) but is suppressed by the big drug
> (or big oil) companies people were amusing in their antics; this is not funny.

Frankly you paint here with too broad a brush. Just because a
conspiracy notion is raised that sickens you or me or all of us
does not mean that there is not some good reason for questioning
what is really going on. There are wheels within wheels and not
all of them turn in ways that you or I would not be sickened by.

Circling the wagons and disgracing an opinion by lumping it by
assertion with a bunch of other disgraced opinions is simply old
monkey tricks. It adds nothing intelligent.

- samantha

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