RE: Politics of transhumanism and the WTA

From: J. Hughes (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 18:33:43 MST

Max More wrote:

> Yet Rasmussen here displays
> some Eurocentric bigotry.
> Is *this* to be praised by
> J. Hughes on behalf of
> WTA because it suits his purposes?

I was not involved with the World Transhumanist Association when I wrote the
essay, and only decided to get involved on the basis of the conclusions I
drew in it. The essay doesn't represent the views of the WTA, which I/we
hope will be a very broad tent including libertarians, Greens, social
democrats, centrists and the apolitical.

I especially hope that you don't hold my essay against the WTA since we want
the Extropy Institute to join as an organizational affiliate, and would like
extropians to join as individuals.

As for Rasmussen's observation (which I was originally delighted to
attribute to you, thinking you were "Max M."), as someone who has expressed
my democratic socialist views on the Extropy list at various points over the
last eight years and been routinely flamed, I think he was fair to observe
that the Extrop list did not often have left of center views expressed. I
have seen more in this last year. As I say in the essay, I think the
transhumanist milieu is growing and becoming more diverse, and the
representation of political views is increasing.

James J. Hughes Ph.D.

Producer, Changesurfer Radio

Associate Editor
Journal of Evolution and Technology

71 Vernon St.
Public Policy Studies, Trinity College
Hartford CT 06106

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