Re: Heinlein (1946) on the Singularity

Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 23:01:59 MST

D. Broderick declared:

<<Just for the record, I'm not a prof; I don't teach (well, I gave one
lecture and co-supervised one PhD); I have no students at the University of

Which for the purposes of this list qualifies you as a tenured, Oxford Don
(tho' hopefully not of the Corleone variety).

<<This is asking too much.>>

Indeed! We all fall flat, simply because new technologies are not falling
into our grasp, like manna from a scifi heaven ( a Nivenian or Sheffieldian
realm for me please, with lots of ice for the drinks).

Mlorrey's contention that ( in Heinlein's view) the greatest impact on the
human future was transportation, seems to be accurate. I wish that it were
so, but that is not the world we have inherited. The world we live in is
actually the 1950's with computer electronics becomming an omnipresent
infrastructure. Now will that lead us, in a shot time to a Singularity? That
seems to be a tall order.

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