Re: Aid for Afghanistan

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 19:21:16 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 12:39 PM 1/1/02 +0100, Kai wrote:
> >Not even the USA will be able to bomb every country
> >where people think they are the victims of US politics.
> This is one of the most bleakly funny, corrosive lines I've ever read on
> the extrope list. It might have come from a Philip K. Dick novel. But
> hardly anyone here seems able to read it.

Don't worry, we'll get around to each of them presently, eventually,
we've been pre-occupied with bombing ourselves up to four months ago for
the same reason. Note that we do make exceptions for those who apologize
for thinking they are victims of our politics. Heck, we've been
accepting apologies from Canada for a couple centuries already, and
Mexico got caught up on its subscription finally as well, so we
apologized for reporting them to collections. We get on so well with
Britain because they invented the art of apologizing for other people's
bad behavior.

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