Re: A Toast to MAX! on his BirthDay

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 23:57:13 MST

I suggest a toast, with a _drink_ fit for *Kings* ! !

(uh, well, this one is dead, but that's a minor nitpick ......)

     | King Midas' Golden Elixir |

* Ingredients: yellow muscat grapes,lightly toasted 2-row barley malt,
thyme honey.

* Fermented on a dry mead yeast to 7.5% alcohol by volume.

*It has a brilliant golden hue, with reddish highlights,


When scientists at the University of Pennsylvania analyzed the residue
in dirty dishes and drinking cups from this tomb at Gordion, in central
Turkey, they announced that these were leftovers from the feast
consumed at King Midas' funeral.

(older story:

However new radiocarbon carbon dating (giving ~740 B.C.) of the
wooden furnishings in the tomb now place it older than King Midas,
so the tomb was presumably built to Midas' predecessor: perhaps
the grandfather or father of King Midas.
(Int'l Herald Tribune, Dec 27, 2001, pg. 8)

A Golden Elixir Toast, then, to *Any* Extropian on their BirthDay !


Amara Graps, PhD email:
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"Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the
future of the human race." -- H. G. Wells

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