RE: interspecies hair transplants

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 18:39:45 MST

Yes! I would do this!

I wonder how far you could go? The horns of some animals are actually
something like compressed hairs, as far as I know. Could we add rhino horns,
for instance?


> The
> authors propose that this might be a new treatment for hair loss.
> It might indeed. But it might also lead to very entertaining
> (or, to some,
> appalling) new hair "styles." Young people, rather than dying
> their hair,
> might have selected implants to give them multicolored heads
> of hair. Even
> beyond that, if hair follicles are indeed immune-privileged
> sites, then even
> interspecies hair transplants might be possible and desired
> by the more
> adventurous. Imagine a head of silky mink fur! Or how about
> an entire "coat"
> of mink fur?
> References
> 1.. Reynolds et al., "Trans-Gender Induction of Hair
> Follicles," Nature
> 402:33-34 (1999).

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