Re: a health dilemma.

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 04:07:13 MST

----- Original Message -----
From: "animated silicon love doll" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 00:20
Subject: Re: a health dilemma.

> 2002.01.23 3:08:47, "Alex Ramonsky" <> wrote:
> >That may have something to do with the way tobacco (and other substances)
> >interact with any inhaler you are using -particularly beclamethasone, or
> >however you spell it, or ventolin, and any asthma medications you are
> >such as Amoxil. Some of these combinations can bugger your lungs up a lot
> >faster than just smoking.
> >Ramonsky
> hmmmm. do you know exactly how they bugger up the longs faster? or any
> that would tell me how?
> (i'm on ventolin (or albuterol, here in the states), btw.)

Asthma's classified in various ways, but generally into allergic /
non-allergic categories. Younger people generally have the allergic kind.
Two different sorts of medication are given for this; beta agonists
(ventolin) and steroids. Beta2 agonists copy the effects of adrenaline and
noradrenaline (normally part of your 'fight or flight' response. Steroids
act on the underlying inflammation.
The allergic response that produces inflammation also produces phlegm.
Anything causing an allergic reaction, ie smoking, food additives, pet hair,
microbes, will increase the need for the use of both types of medication.
Smoking initially loosens phlegm and makes it easier to cough it all up, as
you've noticed. But in the long term it is exacerbating the problem and if
you give quitting a chance, you'll find you don't need your ventolin so
People who smoke often find they're using their inhaler more and more,
psychological addiction can occur (can I do without it??)
and it can get to the ridiculous extremes of taking a toke on the inhaler so
that you can have a cigarette without triggering an asthma attack! Tolerance
becomes a factor...basically mixing beta2 agoniser with any allergan or
irritant is a recipe for trashing your lungs, liver and kidneys.
Stay off the cigarettes and after a couple of months have a pulmonary
function evaluation. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that your
medication can be reduced or changed to something a little more gentle
(especially if you're on steroids).
Lastly, Zyban has had quite a bad press lately because of adverse
effects -including 50 or so deaths which may be related to its side effects.
However, compared to the dangers of and deaths due to smoking, it is
definately the safer option! It works by modifying the two neurotransmitters
involved in nicotine addiction and withdrawal, so it's not just replacing
one form of nicotine with another.
Stick with it dude...every day is another step towards...towards...towards
freedom from feeling like shite because your lungs were full of stuff that
isn't meant to be there...
Incentive...if you're still off the cigarettes by the time I get married,
I'll send you a copy of my gut-bustingly hilarious publication "The Cakdon
Book of Records". Remind me...I have a memory like a filter paper...but good
All the best,

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