Re: I Want To Disbelieve

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 19:12:53 MST

Many would not say it because they do not believe that such a
statement is important to make even if they do not believe there
is a god. In my case I believe that if there is not one already
(I would be greatly surprised if there is not) then there very
soon will be one, effectively. :-) So the question does not
seem terribly relevant or earth shattering. It is certainly not
the case that many agnostics and non-traditional-believer types
do not say this because they are "superstitious". People really
come in a lot more varieties. Personally I am quite happy to
have my own views offend many atheists, many agnostics, many
types of religious folks and many hypothetical gods without
undue discrimination. :-)

- samantha

Randy Smith wrote:

>> From: "Smigrodzki, Rafal" <>
>> Reply-To:
>> To: "''" <>
>> Subject: RE: I Want To Disbelieve
>> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:47:46 -0500
>> J Corbally [] wrote:
>> It does seem to have picked up recently. The results of a recent study
>> showing that "non-believers" were a larger portion of the U.S. population
>> than previously thought may help some (estimated at 37 Million, IIRC).
> I don't really buy that. I bet if you asked 1000 people (Americans) to
> say the phrase, "I do not believe there is a god," you would get maybe
> 10% who would say it. Even though a person might think there is no
> evidence of a god, or might indicate such on a survey or poll, they
> would be too superstitious to come out and say it baldly....and that is
> really what counts--how supersitious are you?

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