Re: New member: Arona Ndiaye

From: Arona Ndiaye (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 07:17:52 MST

>>Hello Arona,
>>I was quite blown away by your life's experiences, like many others here on
>> the list. I have always loved stories of people who have beaten the odds,
>> and you are certainly one of them. I wish you the very best in your life
>> as you rebuild. And be careful out there!! lol If only that were truly
>> possible.
>>And welcome to this fascinating place known as the extropian list!

Funnily enough, I am myself blown away by the people on this list and the sl4
one. The underlying tenderness and genuine caring that I see on this list and
the sl4 one, gives me a really warm feeling. I'm literally gob-smacked by two
impressions ( which at the moment seem permanent ):

1. Higher intelligence seems to correlate with respect of others ( I can be
quite an asshole sometimes; watching and reading people's exchanges and views
on this list, makes me aspire to more, better )

2. Being bright does not mean that less bright people do not matter.

I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for the warm welcome.

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