Re: New member: Arona Ndiaye

From: Arona Ndiaye (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 00:47:15 MST

You should meet the people that I 'used' to identify myself with. They're
simply amazing. Me, I'm just a guy.
>>2002.01.23 20:18:05, Arona Ndiaye <> wrote:
>>>hope so ) satisfied. That leaves all the other non-curious people, people
>>>with low bandwidth, little time, high-costs connections, little patience,
>>i have low bandwidth, low patience, lots of time but little attention span,
>> and i was not at all bored. and i am amazed at you. you, ndiaye-san (i
>> gave up gendered honorifics for lent. or for the hell of it, really.), are
>> absolutely amazing, to get through all that as well as you have (or at
>> all!). absolutely amazing.
>>cheshire morgan. we all create life, some of us with wombs,
>> some with smiles, some with patient hands.
>> we are all gods, if we choose to be.
>> -kitten.

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