RE: Healthcare (was Re: John in Alaska)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 19:19:46 MST

> I think you miss the point, Harvey: "work" is, by definition, time
> spent in pursuits other than what would be one's first choice of
> what to do with that time. If you work for 12 hours to earn enough
> to increase your lifespan by only 8 hours, then you haven't really
> increased your "life" span at all--just your "work" span. You've
> actually lost 4 hours of "life"--life is doing what /you/ want with
> your time.

Man, you guys must really hate your jobs.

Seriously, this definition:
> "work" is, by definition, time
> spent in pursuits other than what would be one's first choice of
> what to do with that time.

is really pretty sad. Just say someone had an idea about what they really
wanted to do, hmm, like research into nanotechnology, and went out and
acquired the skills. If said person then managed to get work in that field,
the work they wanted, what would you call that employment arrangement? A
paid hobby?

The point here is that you could actually make money doing what you want to
do, and use that money to extend your life. This very cruddy tradeoff
relationship of Mike's, where you count hours worked = hours dead, would
then not apply (which I don't think it does anyway).

(hey, and whats all this cryosanta crap, btw?)

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