RE: Closet biologists story

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 15:37:19 MST

> Yes, i also started a second BSc in Biochem last year (currently
> cryonised), and was very tempted to setup a lab in my garage. One
> problem was that i didn't have a garage. That is solved now, but the
> other, more important, problem is cost. Centrifugues look cheap and
> seem almost easy to build, but gels cost $A10 a pop, and the enzyme
> prices are astronomical. Considering the percentage of
> botched pracs (>
> 75%) i did last year, it could become a very expensive hobby.
> Alejandro

We'll be the 610h4XX0r 3133t, alex. Woo hoo!


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