Re: a kinder, gentler face of capitalism?

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 20:53:22 MST

> Damien Broderick wrote:
> > I need a ruling on this from Max or Greg. If T0M is right, I'll thank
> > everyone on this list for several years of fascinating and sometimes
> > infuriating conversation, and be out of here quicksmart.

From: "Samantha Atkins" <>

> Hmmmm. Are we actually expected to take it as a major downer if
> a "founder" objects or rebukes us on something we say?

Well, noooooo, but ... IMHO there's a cultishness associated with Randians
(I'm not saying T.O. Morrow is a Randian - I don't know whether he is or
not - but Ayn Rand is one of the recommended authors on the Extropians' home
page, last time I looked). Apparently, there are many Extropians who
actually admire either Ayn Rand or her economic and political views (both of
which were not exactly
innovative, to begin with). Once Ayn Rand's name gets associated with a
group, the stench of cultishness (justified or not) is carried on the
breeze. It is a kind of paradox - freedom and authoritarianism in the same
candy box. Interesting essay follows strictly FYI and submitted in the
spirit of the marketplace of ideas:

I do think it's a good idea to keep adding some mixed nuts into the candy
box as well (a little protein will help offset the effects of a sugar high,
heh heh heh). Bon bons and bon mots -- who could ask for anything more?


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