Re: Transgender marriage

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Thu Jan 17 2002 - 17:52:35 MST

--- Mike Lorrey <> wrote:
> The purpose of marriage is NOT about joining forever
> with the one you love. Marriage, throughout history,
> has been a specific social contract used for the
> purposes of providing specific economic and social
> protections for the production of children.

So that is your argument in favor of same sex
marriages then, right? I mean being as many gay and
lesbian couples adopt and many lesbians couples opt
for artificial insemination... and that's just the tip
of the iceberg... eventually any human will have the
ability to comingle their genetic material with any
other human (or group of humans) and carry the child
to term regardless of their or their partner's sex.

So why are gay/lesbian/transgendered couples denied
those specific economic and social protections for the
production of THEIR children by our government?

I think you've just manage to show that it IS an
"equal protection" issue.


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