Re: The Intergrated Military (was Re: Transgender Marriage)

From: Andrew Clough (
Date: Thu Jan 17 2002 - 13:18:22 MST

> > The only fair solution I've seen was a fully integrated unit as
> > portrayed in "Starship Troopers." "Starship Troopers" was the book
> > that convinced me to join the USMC and I was delighted to learn
> > it's now on the boot camp recommended reading list.
>Yup, read it twice. However, it's been quite a while since my last
>reading, before the movie came out. My recollection (admittedly flawed on
>occasion) is the book didn't deal with sexual integration at all. No
>shower scenes that I can remember. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the fully
>integrated showers was a Paul Verhoeven creation.

You're right. Out of all the members of the mobile infantry, we don't see
a single femaleand in fact, in "A Tunnel in the Sky" the main character's
sister was a member of "The Amazon Corps" or something like that, so he
probably wasn't a supporter of integrated combat units. The "starship
troopers" book and movie really had very little to do with each other,
except for the character names.

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