Top ten Odious phrases for 2001

From: John Clark (
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 10:52:35 MST

This is my top 10 list of odious phrases for 2001. My criteria is that they
must be used in polite society and seem to many to be perfectly acceptable
but to me seem incorrect, insipid, evil, stupid, or just never used to support
a position I agree with.

#10) You can't cry FIRE in a crowded theater.
#9) A huge quantum leap.
#8) Life is sacred.
#7) The exception proves the rule.
#6) level the playing field.
#5) Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
#4) Almost infinite.
#3) Free will.
#2) There must be a reason it's random.

and the most odious phrase of 2001

#1) God wants.

Happy New Year everybody!

        John K Clark

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