Re: Aid for Afghanistan

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 09:37:01 MST

>From: Neil Blanch <>

>Brian - to be frank your comments disturb me in their arrogance.
>The USA is dropping bombs on these people for god's sake!

The U.S. is dropping bombs on portions of their country because
terrorists trained in their country and with the support of their
acting government, murdered thousands of Americans.

>The USA is at least partly responsible for the rise of the Taliban
>to power.

Nonsense. The Taliban did not even exist when we funded rebel
groups in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviet invasion.

>The USA helped create, train & directly funded, elements in
>Afghanistan that are at least partly responsible for the terrible
>years of war & bloodshed that the country has endured.

The U.S. supported groups defending against the Soviet invasion. It
was after the Soviets left that they started fighting amongst
themselves for control. Something they have always done.

This hardly makes us responsible, try sticking to the facts.

> How many Afghanis have died as a direct result of American
>policies? Should the people of Afghanistan say "Well the US fucked
>us over for the last twenty years, they helped psychotic religious
>nuts become our government by giving them guns & missiles, they've
>bombed the crap out of us day & night for the last few months,
>they killed twenty people in my village by mistake last week, but
>now they just gave me a bag of wheat so now USA is A-OK". Do you
>really expect twenty odd years of utter bastardry to be just
>forgotten, just because NOW you've decided to act with SOME

You have your facts all wrong pal.

The U.S. gave nothing to the Taliban, and therfore did not fuck
anyone over in Afghanistan for the last twenty years.

The reason U.S. bombs are dropping is because terrorists trained
there with the support of the government murdered thousands of

>There are people in this world who hate America & America has
>given them plenty of good reasons to have that hate.

A matter of opinion, an opinion we don't share.

>If you truly want the US to be safe then the US must act
>responsibly. It must stop its political & military support of
>terrorists (sorry, they're "freedom fighters" - at least they are
>until they start bombing YOU) against legitimate elected

Be specific. You're claiming the Soviets were the legitimately
elected government of Afghanistan?

>It must stop its support of governments & dictators that torture
>& kill & rob their own citizens. It must stop putting the
>well-being of its business & military interests above the basic
>human rights of other people, regardless of their citizenship.

Name a government we support that does these things. I mean now,
today. We have a saying in this country about "glass houses", you
might want to look it up, and then at the current policies of your
own country by the way.

>It will not be more security that will prevent more terrorist
>attacks. It will not be the death of every Al Quada member that
>prevents more terrorist attacks.

Side bet?

>It will not be facial recognition software & the automatic
>detention of every Muslim that will prevent more terrorist

This is not about muslims, it is about terrorists.

We did not round up every muslim, but a few of those currently
guilty of visa violations.

More problems with your facts or actually the lack thereof.

>It will not be American military might that will prevent more
>terrorist attacks.

Another side bet?

>America must become responsible & decent.

America is both.

>The empty rhetoric of "liberty & justice for all", the lie of "the
>protector of freedom" & the "champion of justice" must become
>true. America could become what the dream of America has always
>been, America can lead the world, and not just militarily or
>commercially but ethically as well, if only the government & the
>people of America have the strength and courage.

America is the freeist and most just country on the planet.

>There can be no justification for the events of 9/11 just as there
>can be no justification for the many atrocities & crimes of
>convenience that have been committed in America's name. The cycle
>of hatred has to stop somewhere or we will see the events of 9/11
>happening again. And again. And again.

We can and will put an end to terrorism, grab a pen and take notes.

>America can be more than just America the great, it could truly
>become America the good, America the just, America the free, if
>only the nation & it's people have the courage & the humility to
>change for the better, to give as well as receive, to heal instead
>of harm, to become a true leader of humanity.

Your rhetoric is really starting to get a little thick. I couldn't
agree less with your opinion of what America currently is.

>The rebuilding of Afghanistan is only the first challenge, but it
>is an important one. It is a chance for the US to show that there
>is more to it's motives than simple revenge. It is a chance for
>the US to show that it can rise up against anger & grief & hatred.
>There was no shortage of bravery among the fire-fighters & police
>who risked all on 9/11 - can America the same selfless courage as
>a nation?

We will help our friends, smite our enemies, and move on.


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