Re: Who Owns The Singularity? (was: how shall the singularity takeoff?)

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 12:41:53 MST

Greg Burch wrote:
> I agree that if any company in the world has a motivation to fund such work,
> it would be West; but your employer has been notoriously slow to adopt
> technological innovation -- perhaps because of their long history of
> monopoly.

No kidding. The reason the subsidiary I work for was acquired was that
West's current engineering group is, to be blunt, incompetent to the
extreme (when measured as a whole), mainly because of their beauracracy.
(And yes, that is my professional evaluation, after having worked with
them for a while.) -_-;

> What's needed is a kind of "factual mark-up language" to embed these legal
> concepts in the context that gives them meaning as a resource for reasoning
> by analogy. The best direction for this I've developed in my own thinking
> is a standardize symbology and syntax for describing party-relationships and
> transactional dynamics. I've sketched out such a symbology and syntax
> before, and would be very surprised if you couldn't find such a system
> having been developed by some academic with more time than I have to pursue
> such matters.

I'll take a look. Any key words (besides those you mentioned in the
above) you think would be particularly relevant in searching for them?

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