Re: META: move from mailing lists to slashcode-based site?

From: James Rogers (
Date: Sun Dec 30 2001 - 11:46:21 MST

On 12/30/01 7:33 AM, "cryofan" <> wrote:
> From a technical standpoint, of course the extropian list should be
> converted to slashcode--it is a far superior format.

I'm not sure I would agree with that. As a very old member of Slashdot and
of many mailing lists, experience seems to indicate that complex and lengthy
discussions fare much better on email lists than in a Slashdot type forum.
Slashcode is optimized for large numbers of participants contributing
relatively small bits of asynchronous text. When the forum is in practice
more like a few people having a lengthy discussion, email is much better.
Also, there are a lot of things that one can do with sophisticated email
client that would be difficult or complicated to do with slashcode.

Since this list tends towards long discussions with few participants on a
given thread, I find the mailing list format to be far more suitable. In
fact, for long technical exchanges, I find the web forum format (like
slashcode) to be a nuisance to work with as I find it has many limitations
that discourage me from posting.

I have no problem with software that converts mailing lists into web forum
type structures though.

-James Rogers

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