RE: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Smigrodzki, Rafal (
Date: Sat Dec 29 2001 - 19:04:18 MST

Amara quoted me:
>Then I would kill everybody involved in the procurement of the nuke,
>including the electrophysiologist who made the EEG-detonator setup.
>Then I widely publicize my willingness and ability to continue such
>actions as needed. In this way I would save even more innocent

and wrote:

oh Yea? I would eliminate the source of the Pu 239, going to every
nuclear power plant and taking the irradiated fuel rod cannisters
and killing all those people who work at the plants.

### Excuse my bluntness, but this is a bizarre proposal - well-guarded
plutonium in power plants is an important source of energy, some of which is
contributing to your own survival. Why would you visit such a brutal fate on
the poor engineers working there (those who are not trying to skim some Pu
for sale to Al-Qauida)?


 Then I would
put those cannisters on the next Ariane rocket scheduled to launch,
and send them into space and eliminate those people at the launch site

### Curiouser and curiouser.

Plutonium-filled canisters on an Ariane rocket - this is really dangerous
stuff. And why do you want to kill the space engineers as well?

 And just in case some Pu 239 was being transported on the
highways, I would kill every truck driver.

### Huh? Truck drivers?


 Oh, and to make sure more
Pu 239 wasn't going to be transported on the roads, I would take
some explosives and blow up all of the roads.

### Then why not keep the Pu for blowing up roads!

 Then to make sure the
trains didn't transport Pu 239, I would put garbage on the railroad
lines to crash the trains.
### No, you don't need to crash trains - remember, you used all plutonuim
for blowing up roads. 
 Then after that, I would blow up all
off-road vehicles with their drivers.
### Yes, yes, they are so noisy!
 But just in case someone would
try to carry Pu 239 in their backpack on a hike, I would save more
innocent lives by blowing up all of the hikers.
### Whatever.
 Then I would
eliminate anyone else's temptation to carry Pu 239, and blow up all
hiking paths.
### Now, this is really not nice anymore.
 Then just to be sure, I would starlift the outer
layers of the Sun burn the Earth to a cinder.
### Magnificent!
>I could get pretty bloodthirsty with a guy waving a nuke in my face.
yeah <grunt grunt>
me too
### This condition is called "nuke fever"

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