Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 20:43:52 MST

Maybe the reason that so many men are in jail (vs. women) has something to do with the makeup of juries, the kind of persons making arrests, the majority controlling what laws are passed, and the people who own the country.

My understanding is that juries tend to be dominated by women. Most arresting officers are men, who have shown a marked disinclination to arrest women (note my prior remarks re spousal abuse, e.g., the arrest rate of women jumping from zero to 20% when they began putting female officers on the investigations).

Next, 60% of the votes cast in the U.S. are by women, who can thus reasonably be held accountable for the U.S. not just arresting so many more men, but in general arresting and incarcerating more people per capita than any other nation in the world, past or present. Then, according to the Feds, women own 70% of the real property and make 85% (!) of the consumer purchases, not mention living about 13% longer than men in the U.S.

Don't be fooled. Women run and own the U.S. and have for many decades. Men are and have been 2nd class citizens, with far fewer benefits or safety nets provided, so it should not be any surprise to see them dominating the prison stats.

Date: Fri Dec 21 2001 - 11:26:04 MST

In a message dated 12/21/01 1:00:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< For every white female in US prisons, there are twenty
 white men in US prisons. Of course, this is due to genetic sex differences
 which account for behavioral differences, but notice that feminazis deny sex
 differences when it comes to putting females in postitions of leadership. I
 think the war against white males has been motivated largely by jealousy and
 envy... the same thing that motivated the 9-11 terrorists.
Do they actually deny the differences exist, or like me, do they think said
differences are not a factor in leadership abilities? If feminazis do indeed
deny there are differences, then I have to strongly disagree with them.


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