Re: Markets and employment

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 11:00:32 MST

Geraint Rees wrote:
> On 12/25/01 8:06 AM, "Patrick Wilken" <> wrote:
> > I agree it doesn't seem to make much sense, but the equivalent
> > non-imported are in general cheaper in Australia. An espresso in
> > Australia and the US costs about the same number of dollars
> > (approximately $A2 in Melbourne, approximately $US2 in Starbucks here
> > in Pasadena).
> Curiouser and curiouser: it's GBP2 in Starbucks here in London
> > Non-imported goods don't seem to:
> > so I used to pay $A40 for a haircut in Melbourne, now pay $US35,
> ...and GBP 35 for a haircut (OK, a nice one)
> > paying $825 for an approximately equivalent place. Even a bottle of
> > beer at a bar is about $A3 or $US3.
> And the beer is GBP 3 here in London
> Is everything the same numeric price all over the world, whatever the
> currency?

Keep in mind the vastly different tax systems, plus the different costs
of transport of various goods. The US does not have a VAT as Britain
does. Nor have I heard anyone specify a specific brand name. Beer here
in the US can range from $1.25 for a 12 oz. can of Busch or as much as
$4.50 for a pint of Guiness in a pub (or <$2.00 if bought at the
supermarket). Espresso can range from $1.00 to $3.00 depending on
location and the specific order (single short vs. grande, etc). Soda pop
can run from $0.25 to $1.00 depending on location.

I pay $8.00 for a hair cut at the local barbershop, or $16.00 for the
same thing at the salon at JC Penney's.

Gasoline is down to $1.07 a gallon in places. Milk is $0.52/gallon,
natural maple syrup is $18/gallon, and a large bag of Dill Pickle
flavored potato chips from Humpty Dumpty is $0.99

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