ECO: Inflation Vs. Deflation: The Evidence So Far

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Dec 26 2001 - 11:38:21 MST

"Inflation Vs. Deflation: The Evidence So Far"
by Gary North

The inflation-deflation debate is escalating. . . again.

In 1974, the year I started publishing my newsletter, Remnant Review,
this debate was raging hot and heavy in hard-money (pro-gold) circles.
This was during Ford's recession. The stock market was in a major
decline. One group was predicting imminent price deflation. This group
included C.V. Myers and John Exter. The other group was predicting
imminent price inflation. I was a member of this group. So was Mark
Skousen. So was the late Jim McKeever. Both of them edited the
now-defunct Inflation Survival Letter. We called it right. The inflation
rate from 1975 to 1981 was the highest in peacetime U.S. history. Anyone
who predicted deflation missed a golden opportunity

for the rest of this article see:

I'm back!

Daniel Ust

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