Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Wed Dec 26 2001 - 09:37:48 MST

From: "Kai Becker" <>
> Ah, I see. This would mean, that US americans are about four times more
> violent and potential criminals than citizens of other western countries.

Yeah, sure... that's what it means. ...and don't forget George Bush is from
Texas, so watch out... "Don't mess with Texas" as the road signs say.
Holy sheep dip! It's wonderful living here in the US with all these violent
potential criminals. Perhaps that's why the likes of Stalin and Mao Zedong
could never get a foothold here. Of course Mao and Stalin were not violent
criminals, were they? No, they believed in gun control.

> Hm. The USA a 3rd world country?

Nope, we're a fourth world country. There's the old world, the new world, the
cyber world, and then there's the extropian world... with headquarters right
here in the real world of USA.

> Hm. This brings Mikes argument about not
> trusting non-residents and immigrants back into mind. Europe, Asia and
> Australia should, following this argument, not trust US citizens to behave
> according to our civil, low crime society here and restrict visas and such.

Europe, Asia, and Australia have been quite restrictive about immigration.
IIRC Australia only recently lifted restrictions on immigration. Do you know
what year it was that Australia finally lifted immigration restrictions?
<<according to current regulations the majority of siblings have to be
resident in Australia to qualify as sponsors of their parent(s). Some parents
have little chance of entering Australia at all because they come from
countries whose residents are considered by Australian immigration authorities
to be at risk of overstaying if they are admitted to Australia. Therefore,
nationals from those countries are not even granted visitors' visas. If
parents do come to Australia, once again, migrants are confronted with a
myriad of difficulties and expenses. >>

--- --- --- --- ---

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