Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 23:33:49 MST

From: "Kai Becker" <>
> If the right to bear arms - especially concealed guns - is so important
> to have a low crime rate, why is the rate of violent crimes so much higher
> in the US than in other countries?

The rate of violent crimes is not so much higher in the US.
Anyway, the right to bear arms helps to prevent the kind of mass murders that
Stalin and Mao Zedong perpetrated, and I consider those mass murders as
violent crimes, don't you?
There may be any number of ways to lower the crime rate (better education,
keeping families intact, raising the standard of living, etc.), but people who
want to ban guns with the excuse that they want to lower the crime rate reveal
more about their political agenda than about the social implications of
concealed weapons.

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