Re: One humanity, all in the same boat

From: cryofan (
Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 14:23:42 MST

On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 15:26:58 -0500, you wrote:

>Thank you, all of you.
>We should remember that agreement isn't necessarily a sign of conformity
>or political correctness. We all agree that the Earth goes around the
>Sun, that molecules are made of atoms, and that humans can breathe oxygen
>but not sulfuric acid; and the vast majority of us similarly agree that
>transhumanism is a philosophy which encourages people to look to their
>common identity as citizens of the Solar System and not one region or

I think perhaps you haven't read the Extropian bylaws all that
closely--it appears you missed the part where we are all encouraged to
to think not to think of our bank accounts as our sole property, but
as common assets to be shared with others.

Hmmm. You would give away the benefits of American citizenship (the
right to whatever work is available in America), and since you would
not want those jobs anyway, you gladly grant them to the immigrants,
who come from extremely low wage 3rd world countries....thereby
driving those jobs to the bottom in terms of wages. How big of you!

Since you gave away the rights of your fellow citizens to those jobs
at a living wage, it seems mighty arbitrary of you to draw the line at
your bank account. C'mon now, get into the extropian spirit--give
with the cash!

>My purpose in asking people to voice their usually unspoken
>assent was not to enforce conformity or to run the opposing viewpoint off
>the list, but simply to show the world that the prolifically expressed
>opinions of a few posters do not represent the opinions of Extropians as a

Naw, I am afraid you were just running a few pre-progammed routines. I
just pushed your pre programmed politically correct buttons, and you
responded by rote.

BTW, I am not a racist--my wife is Asian, and several other members of
my immediate family are people of color--I myself am part Indian...but
I am a culturist.

>If we are going to run an open list and tolerate all ideas,

What about tolerating the idea of opening up your bank account??

>really awful ideas on the part of people who are willing to go on arguing
>indefinitely, then we need to make sure that everyone else speaks up now
>and then, or people will get the impression that the most prolific posters
>represent transhumanism. The flood of positive responses shows what most
>of us believe. The frequently included quibbles, rephrasings, and "I
>disagree with the part where you say..." have amply shown up the remarks
>about "lemmings" and "political correctness" as flamebait.

Is that the label you chose to use when you have arguments other than
name calling? They fed you the programs, but when I drill down, there
is no substance inside...

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