Re: Local Groups Wanted!

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 23 2001 - 06:53:24 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 11:25 AM 12/22/01 -0500, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >While I continue to be unemployed (anyone out there have positions
> >open?) while local employers prefer to outsource the sort of work I do
> >to Indian job shops
> What?! Good heavens, use the principle of the market, my good man! Reduce
> your asking price below that of the Indians. If that forces you into
> penury, well, that's free enterprise, right? Some day, with diligence and a
> smile, you might rise to be the company chairman!

I don't hanker to take my baths in the River Ganges, thanks.

While I support free markets, I also support anti-dumping laws. The
degree to which the Indian government subsidizes its domestic computer
industry indicates that this is a case of labor dumping. Dumping is NOT
free trade.

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