Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Geraint Rees (
Date: Sun Dec 23 2001 - 04:47:01 MST

On 12/23/01 1:58 AM, "J. R. Molloy" <> wrote:

> The ACLU seeks to advance its socialist agenda while pretending to defend
> civil liberties, and Al Quaida seeks to advance its tyrannical agenda while
> pretending to defend Islam. The similarities are in their hypocrisy,
> dishonesty, and malignancy.

Irrelevant piffle! You might as well argue that the NRA is similar to Al
Quaeida because both are interested in guns, but I don't see how that helps
us understand either group any better. Facts and hypotheses are surely
preferable to politically motivated assertions.


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