Re: FW: Fwd: The Geek Syndrome

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Dec 21 2001 - 00:06:24 MST

At 11:36 PM 12/20/01 EST, Lisa wrote:
> writes:
>> My NT sister tells me that NTs have some common traits
>>...The NT transgressor is expected to pick this up and alter his
>> own behavior. Failure to do so is interpreted as intentional offense.

>An intentional offense? Really??!! This truly surprises me.....but could be
>very enlightening too!

>Yes. God is the Ultimate INTJ. If you have any doubts, ask an INTJ.

Different NT. Although they rarely footnote this unusual meaning, Eric and
his autistic pals are using NT as a catch-all to mean `Neuro-Typical'. That
is: the rest of us, purportedly in the ordinary, default, normal range.

Damien Broderick
[another INTJ, and hence hardly in the ordinary, default, normal range
anyway, except on this list...]

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