Re: Fractal stories (was: Re: the hazards of essentialist glossolalia)

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2001 - 22:17:12 MST

On Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:37 PM Anders Sandberg
>> I'm wondering if you know about Julio Cortazar. He's another South
>> American writer. I find his short stories very spooky, and very
>> unforgettable.
> Sounds a bit like something Borges would write.

Truly. Borges had a big impact on Cortazar, Marquez, and many other
Latin American writers.

> This kind of recursive storytelling seems to become more and more
> accessible as we move into a world of virtualities and multiple layers
> of implementation. I think they would be extremely disturbing or
> incomprehensible from the 19th century.

You mean the century that gaves us _Flatland_, _Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland_, and _Crime and Punishment_? The one that gave us
non-Euclidean geometries and set theory? The one in which Kafka,
Einstein, and Bohr were born?

Actually, I see recursiveness in many pre-19th works, such as in
Shakespeare's sonnets. (See Helen Vendler's recent analysis of them.)
Yet the recursiveness is one element among many. For a lot of more
recent works, it's the whole shebang or, at least, the central element.
I mean, you really can't get much more out of an Escher drawing or
etching after repeated viewings. In fact, it all seems extremely

Even so, Borges remains among my favorite writers.:)


Daniel Ust

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